Nepenthes xMiranda - A beautiful Nepenthes hybrid that is easy to grow. A good plant to start with if you are new to Nepenthes. Pitchers can grow huge, and so will the plant. Overall, I think it is a very satisfying pitcher plant to have. Feed it, and watch it grow. Does very well in a peat: spaghnum moss:perlite mix. The basal pitcher, in my opinion, are visually far more engaging than the slender aerial pitchers.
It draws a lot of ants to its pitchers, so if you have ants in your garden, you might be shocked to see swarms of ants marching to the pitchers. Let them be, and your N. xMiranda will be well-fed at all times. In a nutshell, it is an innocent looking but deadly plant (to the ants, that is). So if you are six-legged and attracted to N. xMiranda secretions, my advice is... RUN!!!